16-Hr Residential Radon Measurement Upcoming Sessions
The Radon Live Webinar consists of two 8-hour sessions for two consecutive days from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm (ET). The webinar has a limited number of openings to facilitate an intimate learning experience for its participants. This class serves as a prerequisite for various exams such as the NEW National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), Radon Measurement Field Technician (RMFT), and Professional (RMP), which you will need to pass to receive certification for Radon screening.
The registration cut-off date is 7 to 10 business days prior to class to allow for class materials to be mailed to you. Earn 16 ASHI CE.
You will need wifi access and a computer with webcam and sound to participate.
There are no upcoming classes scheduled for this class. As new classes are scheduled, they will be posted here.
In the meantime, check out our Inspection Training and State Requirements page.